Forum Rules and Standards

Beyond a broad rejection of wokeness, we are not promoting or endorsing a particular worldview or ideology.

This is not a place for forum activism or free-speech absolutism. There are two practical reasons for this:

  1. We are not cancel-proof. Certain viewpoints, theories, etc., if over-emphasized or stated in indelicate ways, can bring heat that we are not equipped to deal with.
  2. We do not want a contentious environment. Certain viewpoints, theories, etc., if over-emphasized or stated in indelicate ways, can make users with more moderate views reluctant to participate.

We respect your opinions and your right to have them. You may state your views in a polite manner. You may promote your views in the context of writing projects. You may make connections and develop projects whose content may be too radical for, or otherwise not in keeping with, what we are seeking to do with this site.

You may not use this site to promote your views in a disruptive manner.

Simply put, use your common sense. The people using and providing this platform are, generally speaking, your allies. Work with them, not against them.

Users who seem to lack common sense will be warned once, then permanently banned if the objectionable conduct continues.

Lurking is discouraged. Accounts that display suspicious behavior will be deleted.

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